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Have pots, will travel . . . 


​Curry Cravings™ is not limited by geography.

Your party, anywhere, my task to make it unforgettable.

If you have been to one of our gatherings, you will know my commitment to creating memorable gatherings. Curry Cravings™ takes your event from generic to spectacular. Culture meets location, meets food.


Contact Nandita today to schedule your consult for a signature Curry Cravings™ event, in a suitable venue.


Please allow 8 or more weeks between a confirmation of date and your actual event.

Email me to co-ordinate.


currycraving - at - gmail - dot- com.

A proud member of AAJA


All content on this and any pages related to this business are copyrighted 2010-2025, to Nandita Godbole, dba Curry Cravings (TM) LLC. 

The business name is a trademark registered with USPTO. Any kind of infringement is subject to legal action. 

All materials: logo, text, images or anything else on this site are protected under copyright and trademark laws.

This business is not affiliated with any others that bear a similar name or likeness.

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